Monday, October 2, 2017

Best Week Yet

Hey everyone so this week was sick! Way better week than any week so far here on the mission. It started with a solid Tuesday. Wednesday was Zone Conference and interviews with the President. I loved zone conference and interviews both. I learned a lot and it was so awesome!
Thursday, alright here is the big day.... Melissa came!! (She lives 45 minutes away) My aunt came and visited me for a couple minutes!! Hahaha that was sooooo sweet!! I was completely shocked!! I was reading outside and Elder Kershaw was like hey there is someone at the door for you.. and it was Melissa!! hahahah Sooo awesome!! Shoutout to everyone who pitched in on all those treats!!! Thank you soo much!! So that was awesome!! I couldn't believe it!! So that day was way sweet!! Friday we had dinner at the Blanchards, they are part member family and it was way cool, we were there from 6:30 till like 8:30. We had dinner and talked a lot and they are a sweet family! Anyway we said hey can we teach Danny, their 12 year old, a lesson sometime, and they called Danny down from upstairs. We taught him the restoration lesson and invited him to be baptized, and he said yes, so that was cool. He is getting baptized at the end of this month, I’m super excited for him. He is a cool dude. So Saturday was way sick too, conference! Man that was soooo awesome. I loved it so much. Priesthood session was a little hard just cause I felt alone without dad and the brothers, but it was solid. Also I missed out on some ebelskievers which stunk again and I was a little homesick but it was fine. I am still pumped up from Elder Callister's talk on Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon haha. I have grown to love the Book of Mormon, I look forward to reading it everyday, it is awesome. Well that is about it. I am doing good.  We have found some potential investigators that I could see us teaching. Really happy to be here and love doin the work. Have a sick week everyone!!

Love, elder mac brown

A visit from Aunt Melissa!! (sorry it's blurry)

Shock at seeing Melissa!

Chilling out with Elder Kershaw

Mom's street!

Treats from everyone!!

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